Saturday 24 June 2017

Charity - Climbing on Idwal Slabs

Another evening session on Idwal Slabs in Cwm Idwal. We didn't set off until gone 8pm and weren't really keeping any track of time. Deep in conversation and chat, we climbed steadily upwards. It's one of the less popular of the way up the slabs, but the climbing is really good. On the second pitch, you have to cross a slab of granite. Looking back down, it looked like a ice pitch!


It was starting to get dusky and damp when we reached the top and began to walk off. Luckily we were back at the car before it was properly wet or dark. Arriving back home just after 11, we were greeted with hot food a cold drinks. It was well past dinner time and we were ravenous. 


Prior to the decision to go climbing, I had my first trip of the year to the 'watering hole'. It was cloudier and cooler than recently, but Clare convinced me it would be a good idea. 


She was right. It was certainly a lot colder than the lake, but just as refreshing and invigorating. My entrance was no where near Clare's olympic standard dive and I needed a lot more psyching up. But in my defence, I didn't have a wetsuit. 


It's such a simple thing to do, jumping in a river and we are both aware of how lucky we are, to be able to do so from so close to home. The effect is magnificent. It literally washed away the tiredness from earlier in the day and left us buzzing and refreshed. Which in retrospect was lucky, as it turned into a rather late night..

Idwal Slabs:
- Charity, V.Diff**

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