Sunday 10 January 2021

Race Against the Thaw

Low clouds were covering all the tops this morning and a band of warm air was approaching off the Atlantic. If we wanted to get the most of the snowy slopes, we were going to have to get out early. No precipitation was forecast until midday, but as we stepped out of the back door, there was certainly 'moisture in the air'. Undeterred, we set out on our bikes again and this time were able to access the road that was completely iced over yesterday. We went as far as the snowline, (well until we were slightly in the snow and I started falling off the bike!) then locked out bikes to a telegraph pole and continued onwards on skis.

It was a bit 'stop-start' at first as we had a few stiles to cross and gates to pass through, but once onto the open mountainside, there was still plenty of white stuff.

And even a few decent sized snowmen, resisting the rising temperatures.

The only slight snag was that the 'whitestuff' wasn't just on the ground! The visibility was very low.

Still, there was plenty of wide-open space to ski around in, so we continued up towards the summit in the mist.

At the plateau, we sat down and enjoyed some sandwiches while surveying the view, which must have been at least 10m in every direction and all white.

Continuing upwards only held the promise of more of the same, so we decided to call it our high point and get into downhill mode.

We took turns being 'out front' so that there was something to gauge speed and perception on! I really enjoyed the long traversing lines, gradually losing height, but covering long distances without effort.

By now the snowpack was becoming heavier and we really had to throw our weight into the turns.

We actually managed to ski almost back to the bikes and only had to carry the last 100m or so as the snow on the road had started to melt or been turned to muddy slush by the farmer's quad bike.

Once back on 'solid tarmac', we cold freewheel all the way down the hill, stopping only for a quick chat over the garden wall of a friend's house. 

More mugs of steaming hot tea by the warmth of the fireside and a good book were all we needed for the remainder of the afternoon as the snow in the garden quietly retreated...

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