Saturday 23 January 2021

Indoors & Outdoors

A couple of computer-intensive days at The Cottage, while above me, through the skylights the RAF were making the most of the odd period of blue sky to pull some aerial maneuvers.

As well as doing plenty of presenting, researching and planning, I've also been on the receiving end of some professional training. In order to keep my mountaineering qualifications up to day, I have to do certain courses and attend various training updates, so this afternoon, I joined about 400 other International Mountain Leaders and Guides across the globe for an update on avalanche safety and rescues. It was run from Zurich, where one of the world-leading experts is based. Brilliant to be able to access current best practices and training, even when we are all stuck at home.

In between all this, I clocked up a few more miles on the bike with a trip through the tunnels.

As well as down to the coast, where the lure of some blue sky was irresistible. Thought you'd appreciate a few photos of the boats in the harbor Uncle David.

As we were leaving the Menai Straits, we watched a huge squall blow past. Amazingly we missed it's full force, but when we arrived back home, there was a covering of hail on the ground!

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