Saturday 20 July 2019

Rock Climbing at Brevent - Crakoukass, D+ (6b,A0)

Out of bed and straight up to 2525m! But this time with nothing in the way of physical effort. We went lightweight with small rucksacks, intent on climbing as much rock as possible before the last lift back down to the valley.

The temperature was perfect, allowing us to be in t-shirts all day. Warm enough  to be very comfortable without being too sweaty. The amount of rock for climbing up at Brevent is incredible and all so easily accessed.

We chose a long route that could be escaped at any point, which made for a very nice link up of lots of buttresses. After about four pitches, we climbed the final tower as is looked 'ok' and the grade seemed to vary depending on which guide book we looked in. It was ok, but my arms were not used to pulling on such steep sections and I got really pumped at the crux, but we made it to the top.

A short abseil followed, so that we could walk across to the next buttress, where two more pitches took us to the top.

We climbed two more final pitches, before calling it a day and descending on the lifts, where Clare met us for a drink, where we toasted Andrew and Sarah's 25th wedding anniversary!

After freshening up back at the pad, we strolled into town, had a chilled glass of wine, watched a funk band play and had hot nutella waffles! Holiday style!

Aiguilles Rouge - Brevent:
- Crakoukass, D+ (6b,A0) - 8 pitches, plus abseiled back down for an extra pitch on left of final slab.

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