Tuesday 16 July 2019

Aiguillette des Houches (2285m) & Pointe de Lapaz (2313m)

With another fine weather forecast, I decided to get up high again to soak up some of the views that this region has to offer. Heavy on the wallet, but easy on the knees, I got transported by cable car to the peak of Le Brevant 2525m. I'm still getting used to this way of 'commuting' so suddenly, up into the alpine environment. Stepping out of the top station, Mt Blanc fills the view on the opposite side of the valley. 

It was only 9am, but the place was already bustling with sightseers, rock climbers and trekkers. I set off down the otherside of the mountain as we soon following the trail by myself.

I started off by crossing the open grasslands of the Carlaveyron Nature Reserve, which where filled with flowers, but not people.

I was pleased when I reached the the summit of the Aiguillette des Houches, well before the advertised timings and sat enjoying the views in all directions, before continuing along the ridge line along to the next peak and a second baguette lunch.

Down in the valley, I could make out our apartment block!

There is a great little refuge/cafe on the way back to the lifts, but I decided that I already had all the food and drink I needed with me and had already been enjoying the views, so carried on without stopping.

Things heated up a bit on the last climb back up to the cable car, but it was nice to be able to look back and see where I'd been. (past the lake and along the skyline R to L).

I sat on the summit for a while before descending, watching the rock climbers (and the helicopter that zoomed in to rescue an injured one!) and identifying the various peaks with the aid of my map and a friendly climber.

Clare called to say that her work was done for the day just as I was about to descend. Perfect timing. It was scorching hot in the valley, so we drove down to the nearest lake (Passey), for a delightful swim and cool off!

I could even see the peak that I'd been on hours before! (below).

Back in Chamonix, we went out for dinner to celebrate Clare's completion of a section of work and then, just to make sure we really slept well, went out Salsa dancing. Both food and dancing were just minutes away from the house on foot! It really is a mixture of mountain and city living here....

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