Wednesday 19 February 2020

On the move...

Before leaving Kiruna, we had just enough time for a quick look around the town. To be honest, there's not a lot there. The church seemed to be a good feature to head to, so we walked across town to check it out. 

It was worth the walk - it's made complelty of wood. Very impressive.

And the outside is covered in small wooden shingles.

Most remarkable of all is that the big mine at Kiruna (the reason that there is a town there in the first place), have discovered more iron ore under where the town is built. Over the next six to ten years, they are moving the entire town a few kilometers away from it's current site, so they can mine underneath it! New roads are already built, some buildings will get demolished, but other historic buildings (including the Church) are going to be taken down piece by piece and rebuilt in the 'new' Kiruna, down the road! Incredible!

There was only two planes leaving Kiruna that morning, so the airport was easy to navigate. 

Once again, we all enjoyed our 'upgraded' flights home! And this time, during daylight hours, so we could enjoy the beautiful views from the plane window as we fly down the length of Sweden to Stockholm.

Best of all was the in-flight 'Brocken-Spectre' that followed us along for a while! 

We had to run to catch the next flight, but in Manchester, we got the bus back to Wales without drama, arriving home later that night.

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