Thursday 23 May 2019

Swiss panorama & some climbing at Les Plans, Leysin

Awoke to a total stunner of an alpine morning.

To make the most of the warm weather and amazing views, we drove up to the col of Pierre du Molle, where some of the best limestone lead climbing is situated. In the guidebook, it said that the views are almost as good as the climbs and it's not wrong. There was a lot of late snow still lying around, but looked like we could dodge a lot of it and more importantly, it could provided some good sliding on the way down!

The grass was literally carpeted with crocuses.

The hike in takes about half an hour, but progress was slow. After a lunch looking out over the snow capped mountains, the team sadly decided that they'd rather go do than walk the last bit (uphill of course!). It didn't matter much though, as there was another crag lower down with only a 5 -10 min walk in. A short scenic drive later and we were walking up to our next objective. Five minutes would have been pretty ambitious to walk up to it, as it was a short, steep ten minutes of effort. Some of the group made it and enjoyed some of the pocketed limestone.

The rest enjoyed the views instead....

Les Plans, Leysin:
- Gentian, 5a (more like 5c)
- Edleweiss, 6a (more like 6b!)

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