Tuesday 17 October 2017

Surf and Slate

The storm has passed and The Cottage survived unscathed. With blue skies on the Island and the chance of a wave, we set out with surf boards feeling optimistic. It was quite a wild sea, but the wind was gradually dropping. We found a sheltered(ish) bay and had a great time. It was hard to keep track of what was going on out at sea, as waves kept appearing from every angle. We’d chosen a small bay too, so we were very mindful to keep clear of the rocks or getting swept towards them. Felt a bit like a cork bobbing around for a while!

I love surfing after a storm at this spot as the waves can be big, but with a very shallow angled faces. This means, that you can ride them like going down a hill on a skateboard. Back hand trailing in the water for support, makes for a fantastic feeling. I got plenty of rides in our short session, but also got taken down on a few occasions too. They were powerful waves. As Walter would say, you had to make sure you ‘never turned your back to the ocean’.

As today was due to be a dry day and we were both off together, we decided to get a climb in at the slate quarries as well, after a monster scrambled egg late lunch. To save time, we climbed a route close to the car so that we could make it over to friends for sunset, then back home for another appointment. Busy busy, but a varied and fun day left us both buzzing and exhausted.

Bus Stop Quarry, Llanberis:
- Equinox VS (4c)**

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