Wednesday 5 October 2016

Midweek Social Surfers

Getting stuff in the post these days is becoming less and less (apart from junk mail from Screwfix and B&Q etc), but today the Postie delivered something we'd both been waiting for - Our Australia Photobook! After every big trip, we try and make one for occasional flicking through and reminiscing. It's great to look back on the adventures that we've had and much more satisfying in book form than just sat around a computer screen. It's a bit of effort to create, but we think it's worth it.

We'd planned on climbing at a cliff on Anglesey that we'd not visited before (yes, there are still a few!). On the way, we stopped to check the surf and were pleasantly surprised to find some good sized waves being held up by an off-shore breeze! We ended up spending most of the afternoon in the water. Some friends were also out, so it was quite sociable as well as good surfing.

We decided to leave the cragging for another day and went for a tower of pancakes instead! The Crepe shop is almost always shut when we are in town, so were delighted to find it open and a seat in the sun!

Walked off the pancakes along the beach, chatting with friends, then drove to Menai Bridge to catch up with some other friends who were visiting from the Alps. 

As we finally drove the last section back to The Cottage, there was a colourful sunset happening behind us! Nice day!

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