Monday 18 February 2019

Climbing on the North Coast

One of the great things about going rock climbing is that it takes you to some beautiful places that you probably would never go to otherwise. Quite often, the journey to the cliffs and the things that you bump into along the way are as memorable or exciting as the climbing itself. Today was a typical example of this. With stormy weather still gathering around the mountains, we sought shelter on the coastal crags, but on arrival at the top of the cliff, it turned out that we'd been beaten to it.

A group of huge seals were down on the beach, blocking the way to the area that we were hoping to rock climb on. All thoughts of climbing there were soon forgotten and we spent about half an hour just watching them rolling around and playing in the surf.

Now that the mountains and the beach cliff were off the menu, we opted for Plan C, and went to find a quarried rock face that would be seal free. Before we could leave the Great Orme, we were 'forced' by the one-way system to enjoy more great views as we drove around the remainder of Marine Drive. No bad thing...

It was well into the afternoon went we eventually got to put some ropes up, but nobody cared. We'd already had a unique morning and now the sun (and admittedly the wind) was blasting the crags, allowing for a good few hours of vertical activity.

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