Monday 8 December 2014

The Art of Van Biving

My trusty Escort Van (aka The Cessner) is officially up for sale as of today. Having put out a teaser a few weeks back, I've been inundated with offers from interested parties and hopefully by this time next week, a new owner will have been found. As I was tidying up and starting to clear out the ten years worth of belongings out of the back, I did a count up of the Van Bivi Tally, that I've been chalking up on the back wall of the van. Seventy-Four nights have been recorded inside the van! We must have had a years worth of camping from the van, but to score on the official tally, the night must have been passed inside.

Chalking up the nights out on the van walls
As well as gaining a mark on the wall of fame, I'd made it a habit to jot down in 'The Official Van Bivi Log Book' the particulars of the night in question. Date, location, the reason for the bivi (planned or impromptu) and any particular hilarities of note, have all been recorded over the years and make for some entertaining reading. It's amazing how the mind forgets events that seem so memorable at the time and although I can remember some entries being a bit of a chore, I'm now so glad that I made the effort. I guess the same can be true of all the volumes of expedition diaries that I have from over the years - all now treasured possessions.

History - The Van Bivi Log Book
I've only flicked briefly through the Log Book this evening, but locations and venues are far and wide! From foreign service stations, to alpine passes to european cities to laybys in the Lake District, I've sure had some crazy nights out. Maybe I should write a book just based on the comedy filled stories contained within the Log Book!

During many van bivis spent across the seasons, we've honed our bivi skills to a fine art. Comfort has always been assured despite the surroundings outside. Rain or shine, hot or cold, blizzard or fog, fine food and drink has been prepared and enjoyed inside the 'cosy' confines. Systems are the key. To operate with efficiency and enjoyment everything has to have a place. Without such discipline, it all soon results in chaos!

It seems surprising now, but (as documented in the Bivi Log Book) there have been many spaciously comfortable nights for two, with skis, surf boards and usually a fair amount of climbing kit all packed in around us! I'm looking forward to reminiscing and having a proper peruse through the rest of the Log Book over the next few weeks - If I get time, I'll put together a list of top tips as well as recounting a few of the more comedy nights out in the classic escort van!

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