Saturday 27 December 2014

Cambridge - Jet lag recovery in our new neighbourhood

Our bodies still feel a bit disoriented from the travelling. Have had a really nice day though: movement has been slow, and the day gently interspersed with food, drink and sleep. Last night we had the most amazing introduction to New Zealand. Our neighbours took us over to their daughters family for dinner. After an introductory stroll around their private ten acres, (including pool, tennis courts, river, gardens, office, sauna etc) we had evening drinks on the terrace, followed by a delicious BBQ. There was a real international gathering around the dinner table, with other friends from Australia and their son's girlfriend who had just flown in from San Francisco! Our hosts (one of whom, among other things was an Olympic medal winner!) were keen for us to try out some classic NZ produce and during the evening fed us 'L&P Lemonade' as well as local cider, asparagus, steak and other fine things! Then to finish the evening they serinaded us with a traditional Mauri song while the grandma played guitar! Truly a fantastic experience all round!

After getting up and breakfasting at a reasonable hour, we though we might have beaten the jet lag, but afterwards felt suddenly fatigued and immediately went back to bed for another ninety minutes! Starting the day again at mid-morning, we began to look at our maps and guidebooks as to formulate a plan. In the afternoon we ventured out to pick up some supplies and check out our new neighbourhood - the town of Cambridge. It's a really nice chilled town and well looked after. Soon enough we felt the need to rest again and watched the world go by sitting out drinking coffee and eating mince pies. It's weird seeing Christmas stuff when you're wearing shorts and t-shirts. 

After an entertaining time in the supermarket checking out the different foods etc (trollies are called 'trundlers' here!) we headed home for further respite in the form of more sustenance and snoozing. Gently does it, eh...


  1. Thought I'd beaten jet lag. But it turns out a bit more relaxing, wining and dining is needed 😊

  2. Some adventure already - and only 2 days in!

  3. Jet lag is the perfect excuse for more chilling! X

  4. You do rub shoulders with the best people! X
