Friday 5 December 2014

Lake District Mini-Expedition

After a fairly frantic morning of unpacking and re-packing, I've made it upto the Lake District with a keen bunch of lads for some mountain walking. The hope was for some winter action, but there's only been a few snow flurries so far... 

We left Wales this afternoon. The task of feeding the crew also fell to me, so I also had a supermarket dash on the way to meeting the group. At least we won't go hungry. A few more coffees and some motorway miles and we arrived at our bunkhouse after dark. The fire was already lit making it super cosy.

After dinner we got together around the fire for a recital from my Wainwright's "Classic Lakeland Fell's" book (given to me by Bob & Janet in 1992 according to the inscription!)

Some route planning and weather chat followed, the result of which has ended in a vote for an 'Alpine Start'. Alarms are set for 5am with the intention of seeing he sun rise from Brown Pike on the Old Man of Coniston. 

I'd best get to sleep!...

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