Tuesday 14 March 2023

"It's always worth getting in"

While the mountains were still thawing out, there was the hint of a gap in the clouds over at the beach. Strong winds were on the way later in the day, so we got up, into the van and headed straight over.  

It was still only about 6 degrees and the wind was already making a bit of a mess of the waves, but the sky was blue and the sun was out, so we decided to go for it! Any procrastination may have quashed enthusiasm! It's always worth getting in - in fact, I felt warmer in the water as I was paddling so much! A combination of the currents and winds, pushed us down the beach, leaving us with a long walk back to the van, but we both picked up some good rides along the way.

The van was a real saviour for getting changed in, as by the time we got out, the wind was chilling the temperatures down, so we both felt under a time pressure to get out of our suits while our hands still worked! As the van was rocking in the wind, we opted for the cafe over the road for a post surf drink in the sunshine of a window seat to warm up.

It was 'bracing' to say the least by the time we left!

Back at The Cottage and with the fire lit, plans were afoot for getting the logistics of our next cycle tour sorted, as well as the small matter of preparing an evening lecture for the next night!

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