Tuesday 11 May 2021

A bit of everything...

Wow, it feels like we did (or at least tried) to do everything today! Wet and stormy weather was approaching, but the forecasts didn't quite get it right, which thwarted a few attempts to climb. The promise of early morning sunshine was enough to get us up early enough to be walking into the far end of the quarries at around 08:00. Blue skies were up in front, but behind us chased dark clouds and rain.

We arrived in time for the wave of rain to soak the cliffs before we'd even got our harnesses on. It was more than a passing shower.

We retreated to Llanberis, where, like many good climber, we went for a mug of tea and a giant egg and sausage butty. It was only 9am! The sun shone in the high street and it felt a bit like being in France, watching the world wake up and go to work around us.

We found ourselves on the edge of the rain. Just about in the sunshine, but close enough to the mountains to be lightly sprayed with drizzle every now and then. 

A second attempt at climbing was ditched in favour of a walk around the lake as it seemed to still be sunny there at least.

After aiming for the lakeside cafe terrace, more rain arrived, so we went down to the Menai Straits, following a tip off from a friend and couldn't believe that we'd found somewhere so new and so amazing!

Woodland and wild flowers were in abundance, with a nice trail too. It was all very chilled and suited our mood.

A quick visit back to The Cottage had us loaded up with surf kit as it was looking like the wet weather would not reach so far north. We were in luck! The wind had dropped, the skies were clear and small waves were peeling onto the beach.

After sharing the surf with just two others, we went for a drink in the sand dunes, where we had a great view of the (dark and wet) mountains as well as the (bright and sunny) beach. 

The storm clouds that were building over Snowdon were superb and we later heard reports from friends about thunder, lightning and torrential rain - while we were sunning ourselves.

It didn't look like a good idea to head back into the storms, so decided to stay out for dinner! Outside dining of course...

A final walk on the beach at sunset concluded our day. The rain almost reached us, but not quite!

Inland remained dark and stormy, but facing out to sea gave a huge contrast! We stayed until the sun dipped below the horizon. Brilliant.

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