Saturday 9 May 2020

Biking & Bluebells

It was 20 degrees by 9am at The Cottage today! Incredible weather! Enjoyed a leisurely start then set out on bikes on what turned out to be a bit of a bluebell tour of the local area.

They are everywhere! In the hedgerows, gardens, ditches, and hillsides. Along the quiet corners of some back roads, we found meadows full of them.

Having not driven the van now since the start of March, we've been using the local map to highlight the routes that we have since taken by bike. Not only is this a nice way to document our rides, it's also become a way of highlighting new roads and areas, that are in the local vicinity, but that we've never thought to go before. 

It was great being out in the sun, seeing our familiar views from an unfamiliar angle.

And, like any good cycle tour, there were some interesting sights along the way. I've driven past the sign to this Castle hundreds of times, but rarely had occasion to make the turn.

It really is amazing what you can find off the beaten track!

There was a good deal of excellent downhill riding, but we had to earn it. There was plenty of uphill too!

And some of the best views of the National Park that I've ever seen.

From this point, it was downhill freewheeling for miles and miles! All we had to do was enjoy the view...

The final climb back up the hill to The Cottage was a tough one as the sun beat down on us and our legs had become tired. We were rewarded by some good prior planning from Clare, who had stashed some mint Magnum Ice creams in the freezer, last week, in anticipation of such an occasion. We collapsed on the blanket and enjoyed the last of the afternoon sunshine. Utterly shattered and all the happier for it. Total Ride: 35km (650m ascent).

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