Monday 10 September 2018

Island Life - Jersey

Out of bed and straight down to the beach today! Well, after a lie in and another massive breakfast that is - you don’t want to rush these things...

After all the hills of yesterday’s bike tour, we opted for the coastal promenade today and headed west around the bay. It was easy peddling until a short, steep section of punishing switch backs took us over the hill to the far peninsula. 

We pulled up onto the beach feeling ready for a swim.

I ended up having more of a dunk than a swim, but Clare was in for a while. The wind was chilling me down a bit too much for comfort.

After our pre-lunch dip, we continued to the fast south westerly point of the island, where a light house is perched on a rocky outcrop. It was the biggest low tide of the year today, so you could easily walk out to the ‘island’.

We took a seat and had some lunch while taking in the view. 

Having decided to head back to town, we were delighted to find a cycle track that went directly back east. Not only that, but it was all off road and entirely downhill! We went for over five miles, traffic free and virtually without peddling!

This brought us out back at St Aubin, where we could follow the coastal promenade (with the wind behind us), back to the hotel in the main town of St Helier. 

Having retuned the bikes, we strolled through town and made it back in time to enjoy the last of the sunlight by the outside swimming pool before evening drinks were served. After dinner we retired to the lounge, just to make sure we’d tried all of the facilities here! What a brilliant pre-Birthday weekender!

Total Ride: 30.5km
Total Acent: 260m

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