Tuesday 14 August 2018

Smoked out at Smoke Bluffs

After the mega day out on The Chief, a slow start was required this morning. It felt great having no major agenda and we decided to all have pancakes together, which were super delicious with thick yogurt and berry compote on top of.

And Daragh gave me some tuition in the art of coffee making!

Around lunchtime, we were just about ready to head out into the day. We chose to climb at Smoke Bluffs, due to the great climbs and short walk in. 

We took our time, enjoy climbing the cracks and ticking off some more climbs. The weather was blue skies, but the smoke was fogging out the sun. 

Daragh came out and joined us in the afternoon as we tried some harder pitches using a top rope. 

We finished the day on another classic crack climb. It feels like we’re just starting to get the technique sorted now!

I was shattered when we left and the sun was glowing eerily through the smoke mist. We feasted on Sockeye Salmon again on the BBQ that evening. We’d bumped into our random climbing friend again the day before, and Daragh had invited him and his wife over for dinner too. It turned out, they both used to work at Outward Bound in Scotland in the past and we all had mutual friends! It was a sociableand fun way to finish our time in Squamish. Good friends really are the ones where you can just turn up having not seen each other in a few years and just pick up where you left off. Good times.

Smoke Bluffs:
- Truck Stop, 5.7
- White Line Fever, 5.9
- Nookie Monster, 5.10a
- Alexis Cracks, 5.7
- White Streak, 5.10c
- The Kip, 5.7

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