Thursday 9 August 2018

Next stop Canada...

After yesterday’s excitement, a slow start was required today as we were feeling the effects of jet lag a bit more now. As has been the theme somewhat this summer, today was another ‘travel day’ - this time heading north and across the boarder by road, into Canada.

The traffic getting out of Seattle was slow and heavy. The roads hold a staggering volume of traffic. Six lane highways all crawling along at 8mph can soon take the joy out of the American ‘road trip’ when it’s 95°C outside. Once over the border into Canada the landscape opened up and the beautiful views at least perked us up for the final section. Back at the boarder crossing, we had to answer various security questions. In response to me telling the guard that we were driving my brother-in-laws car, then next question that came back at us was ‘does your brother-in-law keep any guns or weapons in the car?’ It was such an alien concept to be asked such a question that it took a while to be able to respond in a nonchalant way! We’d not actually asked Jonathan if there was a revolver in the glove box, but answered in the negative before being sent on our way...

Eventually, the familiar sight of the big rocks of the Squamish ‘Chief’ came into view. 

We arrived at Daragh and Katrina’s much later than planned, where they had delicious homegrown food and a comfy bed waiting for the deliriously tired pair.

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