Saturday 18 August 2018

At Heather’s in Helena

Wow. What a day. Experiencing Montana family life with Heather and her family. A mixture of smoke from far away forest fires and overnight rain had dampen down the views from the front door, but spirits were still sky high. It was great to be hangout with Heather as so much has changed since we last saw her in Wales five years ago. 

Blueberries, scrambled eggs, bacon, syrup and of course Heather’s amazing coffee set us up nicely for a morning swimming trip in Downtown Helena. All ten of us went to the swimming pool which was great fun. The water was really warm and the girls were keen to show us their front flip skills. Afterwards we went to a really old quirky coffee shop called The Merc.

And checked out the impressive city Cathedral.

Back at the house, the girls showed us around the garden and we had a hoot trying out various games and activities with them.

They have a lot of space to roam, and a great drive way where you can pick up an alarmingly amount of speed on a bike! The smoke cleared a little in the afternoon, but apparently you can normally see much further than this from the front porch. 

More kittens were literally being born as we were out swimming. I think the headcount was eleven by the end of the day. 

And no American trip would be complete without a baseball match thrown in...

The girls (especially Clare), were alway keen for a quick jump at every opportunity as well.

Living in he country in Montana certainly has it’s differences to growing up in the UK. For example, they teach them young to ride a dirt bike!

So, aged 39, I got my first Motorcycle lesson - from a very competent 8 year old! 

The girls were so confident at riding. I pootled along while they shot past me in clouds of dust! 

Even four year old Luci was riding her quad bike around the yard!

After a while, I was delighted to feel the exhilaration of breaking into second gear before deciding that more appropriate footwear and a helmet would be a sensible addition. It was great fun. 

We both enjoyed having a ride around, while heavily pregnant Heather watched from her perch on the back of a truck.

The smoke caused a very eerie sunset as we retreated to the decking for some delicious wood smoked pizzas.

Just before bed, John went out to check on the cats and came back with a hat full of fluff balls.

Bedtime got suddenly extended!

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