Monday 17 July 2023

Alpine Swimming

After a delight morning in Kempten, (in southern Germany), where we strolled from our bed into the town square and breakfasted in the sunshine outside the local bakery, it was back on the road and onto another border crossing.

The road to Austria was long, winding and slow. The ninety minute journey took just over two and a half hours with our average speed hovering around 30mph. Thankfully, these days we have the luxury of air conditioning in the car, so the outside temperature was only felt when we got out! (No such delights with the old escort van days!).

With a blistering temperature of 38°C, we were glad that we’d factored in a stop at an alpine lake called Pibergersee, which despite being at almost the height of Snowdon, had water temperatures in the mid 20s. Before we’d even realised that we didn’t have any cash in coins to pay for the parking, a friendly Austrian gave us their parking ticket as they were leaving. A short walk was then all it took to get to the water.

We quickly found a shady spot to change and dives right in! Bliss! 

Once we’d had a good swim and a proper cool down, we felt ready to continue driving the final 20mins up the valley to our new home for the next two weeks. It’s a pretty quirky place, but very spacious and with a good view of the surrounding mountains. This is the view from out patio. 

Finally, we are set in one place for a while! We didn’t have the energy to explore further than the nearest shop straight away. Instead, we bought and cooked dinner and fell into a deep sleep! Travelling can really wear you out sometimes!

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