Monday 3 April 2023

Serbian Cycle Touring

After a fine few days of rest, relaxation and re-planning the next phase of the journey we cycled out of Sombor this morning. Use of the swimming pool, sauna, steam room and a day off the bikes has certainly been restorative for us both. The weather is still cold, but the snow storms have been pushed back a day or two.

Crossing into Serbia, has meant getting to grips with another currency! 

But the shops are just as fun. This is the first supermarket I’ve been to that’s selling car tyres along with regular groceries!

It was good to be moving again, and having changed our original plans to adapt to the unseasonal cold snap. A short day today meant that we’d be able to link up accommodation and get back into the cycle groove gently. The only snag with the plan is that we have an unavoidably long day tomorrow. But that’s not until tomorrow! Today, we could take our time following mostly county roads.

There are much more bike signs here than in Hungary, and they have a bike route called the ‘Amazon of Europe’ bike trail. It follows three rivers, from Austria/Slovenia. We have no idea how to pronounce the place names, but can at least identify where we want to go!

So much blossom on the fruit trees around here and we also saw some cool birds including a Syrian Woodpecker.

Our target town was called Apatin one of the signs said in English that a highlight of the area should include a stop at was the marina. It wasn’t quite as glamorous as you might imagine. 

We arrived in the town centre of Apatin just as a few rain drops started to fall and with an hour or so before we could check into our accommodation.

We did a lap of town, then found a cafe to shelter in.

We had a coffee and a hot pizza which was freshly made and delicious before finding the apartment. Happily, the rain didn’t amount to much and we cycled off dry.

It turns out, the original Mr Tesla is from here! There’s a statue of him near our place.

As well as plenty more blossom in the park.

The town is a strange mix of old, ornate, modern and run down. 

The owner of our modestly named apartment met us and let us in. 

We’re in with the locals in a pretty typical block of flats. It’s warm, dry and comfy - perfect for more rest before tomorrow’s odyssey! 

Total Ride: 31km

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