Monday 26 December 2022

Castle Thermisia

After a delightfully lazy morning spent swimming around the bay, we set out into the afternoon to check out Castle Thermisia (and more specifically, the rock climbing on the walls below the ruins). It was pretty easy to spot from afar...

The road to get there was paved, but in places the tarmac had washed away, suggesting that it does rain here sometimes. The hire car and us all heaved a sigh of relief on reaching the parking area, high up in the middle of nowhere!

From the car park, it wasn't super obvious which of the many paths would lead us to the climbing. In the end, we opted for the biggest one, which was well marked with red arrows, spray painted on rocks and trees at intervals. It soon became apparent that it was leading us to the top of the rocks, rather than the base of the climbs, but we both fancied seeing the remains and views from the summit, so carried on regardless.

It was astonishing to find many ancient remains and castle walls up there, seemingly so far from anywhere. I guess it was a pretty good look-out point though as the views were superb, both inland and out to sea.

Islands and distant horizons stretched out for miles across the sea below us.

In the end, we just explored around the castle ruins, enjoyed the warmth of the sun and worked out, from our elevated position how to get to the actual climbing routes below us.

We were both happy to save the actual rock climbing for another day and just enjoy the summit vibe.

The drive back down felt much more relaxing and we made it home just before dark, in time for a big feed and a quiet evening at the pad.

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