Friday 8 July 2022

Better Weather - Dutch Cycle Touring to Odijk

Much better weather today on Day 3 of the summer Cycle Tour. Less windy and much sunnier! It took a while to leave camp while we sorted the GPS and chatted to some friendly Scots. By 10:30 we were finally on the road and feeling relatively fresh after a superb 11 hours fast asleep in the tent! Between the towns, it felt like we were the only people around, but near a town or station it suddenly became busy. This was a fun loop the loop to get under a main road!

Plenty of windmills today!

Around mid-morning, we stopped at the library in the shady town square of Woerden. I forget how tranquil a library can be! An oasis of air conditioned calm! 

Plenty of rivers to cross and at times we had to wait for a bridge to rise and fall for the boats as the sun beat down.

We found a first class lunch stop at Woerden, with views of the church and castle. It was so hot, we had to move back into the shade before moving on!

The trail took us into the town of Utrecht, where we had hoped to rest in a cafe somewhere, but it was really busy and a bit chaotic on the roads! Bikes, trams, people and cars all over the place! And to make matters worse, the GPS malfunctioned! We pulled over in the shade of a skyscraper and marvelled at the view while trying to work out how to get out of town. In the end, we decided to abandon the cafe search, leave the city and get back in the quiet countryside. 

It was all much more relaxing out there! Enjoyed seeing a blue rocket of a bike whizz past at high speeds!

Got to a campsite at Odijik at about 5pm. The wind was back up to ‘buffeting’ and there was not a scrap of shade in the flat field. We put the tent up to create some welcome shade and shelter from the sun and wind before cooking up some eggs from the farm (0.20€ each) and a big pasta feed…

Total Ride: 49km

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