Sunday 1 August 2021

Barna Bouldering

Not far from Galway, the small town of Barna is unlikely to be near the top of most climber's must visit destinations, but thanks to Clare's meticulous researching, we found that there is a spot of bouldering to be had, just a few minutes drive from where we are staying. The day started slightly more overcast than would have been ideal, but it was generally agreed that the day should start with a team swim.

It was actually okay in the water (after the initial shock) and we had a decent swim along with some Olympic synchronised swimming.

Warming up in the sun and with a coffee from nearby Spiddal was done with a lovely glow across our chilled bodies. 

Just inland from Barna, we eventually located the granite boulders that we were looking for. They are in an old disuced quarry. With parking for a couple of cars and an overgrown bushwhack through the gorse, we found what we came for. A few nice granite boulders, some afternoon sunshine and a social bit of climbing in a peaceful setting.

It might not be the best in the world, but we made the best of it and were grateful for a day of minimal driving. In fact, the day was turning out so good that we returned to the coast on the way home and had another swim at a different beach. I was able to stay in quite a long time, before retuning home for a drink on the front doorstep as the kit all dried. Brilliant.

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