Monday 15 April 2019

The Wedding Weekender

After a day of washing, cleaning and sorting kit at The Cottage, we were back on the road again - this time heading north to Barnard Castle, ready for the Wedding of the Year. We arrived mid-afternoon and had time for both catch ups and introductions before dressing for champagne and dinner at Lartington Hall with the groomsmen, bridesmaids and family.

Saturday was another early start ready for the Wedding Day and we were soon excitedly making the short drive back along the long driveway to the Hall.

The chapel in the Hall was a beauty and soon at max capacity with over 140 guests squeezed in to witness the lovely service.

It was nippy outside, but the sun shone!

Before the wedding breakfast, we made use of the facilities, as there was time for a game of pool in the snooker room.

Dinner was served in the enormous 'great' hall.

Which later became an energetic dance floor.

A later start was required on Sunday and after saying our farewells, we left Barnard Castle, via a quick look at the impressive Bowes Museum.

By evening, we were in the Lake District, where Clare had secured us yet more fine accommodations.

All that remained was to eat, sleep, pack away wedding clothes and sort out kit for the next phase of our travels - Cycle touring in Eastern Europe - before checking out!

We were both exhausted and dazed from the weekend, so elected for a gentle stroll and some fresh air through the estate at Milnthorpe. It was the perfect tonic and after passing by many deer, sheep and birds, we followed the River Leven out to the estuary, where we fell asleep on the riverbank in the sun.

By evening, we'd continued south and arrived at Manchester Airport. Luckily for us, we'd been upgraded to the top floor executive suites, so finally had a few hours of luxurious rest before tomorrow's early start...

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