Saturday 13 August 2016

Rock Climbing in the Glasshouse Mountains

The day started with another classic 'Aussie Experience' - a breakfast of 'veggiemite' on toast. It's a bit like marmite (but loads better according to these guys!).

And with that well fuelled start, we raced off in search of the Glasshouse Mountains. The drive took us through flat lands that were densely covered by forests. Only every now and then did we get an exciting glimpse of the rock towers that were hidden in the forests... 

Once we'd located the correct side to approach our objective (Mt Tibtogargan), we had a short trek through the forest. Eventually we found a small track that led upto the cliff base and shortly after located the start of the route. 

The cliffs are enormous and looked to be quite wild, vegetated and loose, so we weren't expecting too much in the way of quality rock climbing. At best we though we might get an bit of adventurous scrambling. 

How wrong we were! Between the jungle and overgrown choss, was a steep area of compact black rock - with a line of camouflaged expansion bolts heading upwards and out of sight. We'd found our climb!

Clare set off up the first pitch, which was graded much harder than what we'd been climbing recently. Although this was steep, the crimpy holds style of climbing suited us both much better and we both felt well within our comfort zones as made rapid upward progress. The route was also bolted much safer, with more bolts per pitch, which helps to bolster confidence!

It wasn't long before we were hanging high up above the plains, grinning from ear to ear, both in the zone and buzzing. 

We were way high up above the forest and could see right back to Brisbane and the coast.

A few giant abseils got us back to the floor and we were about to head off to the village in search of celebration burgers when... 

We spotted a second route!... These were the only two to recommend classics and seeing how the first had been so good, we decided that as we were unlikely to be returning any time soon, we should stay and just quickly climb the first brilliant looking 35m pitch. 

It turned out to be as great quality as the last, so one pitch turned into another, which in turn led into another and before we knew it we were 120m off the ground!

Sitting up on top (although not quite on the mountain summit) was magic. It had been a good decision. A celebration of coffee and cornflakes awaited us at the van after a few more long abseils. We could have easily camped the night there, but opted instead to head back to the coast for a weekend of relaxing by the surf. Pulling onto the highway marked a real change in the trip. For the first time ever, there was heavy traffic - and it was all heading to the coast with the same agenda as us! We've finally hit touristville! An assumption that was confirmed when we found that the campsites were all fully booked! Thankfully Clare managed to utilise her negotiating skills to talk us into a spot in the car park of the best riverside campsite in Noosa. Super tired and relieved to finally be stopped for a day or two. Sleep came quickly and easily.

Glass House Mountain:
- Line of Credit, 16*** (multi pitch)
- Zeitgeist, 17*** (multi pitch)

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