Friday 8 April 2016

Ubrieux & Baume Rousse

We've established a very agreeable morning routine here in Provence. After waking sans alarm, we enjoy a leisurely breakfast, shower, then brew coffee while doing a bit of internet based work. Once suitably braced to face the day, we set off into the great blue yonder in search of fresh pain au chocolates, which are eaten in the sunshine on a bench overlooking the main street of Buis-les-B. And with all that done, we head off climbing for the day...

In anticipation of an easy walk in, we started the days climbing at the crag of Ubrieux which is only a few minutes drive from the previously mentioned pain au chocolate zone. There are some great climbs there, but this morning a gale force wind was howling through the narrow gap in the valley, making the air feel very cold. Too cold to enjoy the climbing (and winds strong enough to knock us off balance), so after one route, we de-camped to further up the hill side where the Venturi Effect (funnelled wind) seemed to be less of an inconvenience. 

Only a few kilometres up the hill, at the crag of Baume Rousse, there was barley a breath of wind. Sunshine, great routes and a bit of brie and baguette set us up for a great afternoon of climbing.

Having had our fill of climbing action, we returned to Buis and strolled the streets in search of a tea and cake session. Am pleased to report that we found two decent coffees and a small selections cakes that were served up on a comfy sofa in a quiet patisserie. 

Then, just to finish off the day in the last of the sunshine, we enjoyed pre-dinner drinks and nibbles with a game of table tennis outside at the ranch.

I'm not sure we could ask much more from a day of holiday climbing... 

- Le Repos du Grimpeur 5+***

Baume Rousse:
- Le Dièdre 5***
- Étoile des Neiges 6c+**
- Soleil Levante 6b+**
- L'Émile et Une Nuit 4**

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