Tuesday 6 October 2015

Surfing Glassy Waves

Spent the afternoon on an eerie feeling beach on the west coast of Angelsey. The wind had dropped completely and dark clouds remained on the horizon, almost the same colour of the sea. The water was so still it had an almost oily look to it. Lying on my surfboard looking out to sea, waves would slowly rise up out of nowhere and move in towards the beach.

It was both mesmerising and exciting to watch, because they were peeling off nicely into slow rideable waves, that we both made full use of! Long glorious surf, right into the beach!

Because of other plans, we had to get out before high tide, which usually brings with it optimum conditions, but by then, almost every surfer in north wales had arrived and the line up was getting pretty crowded! Time to go! 

No photos today, just great memories. 

Oh, and we helped out a friend who had stepped on a weaver fish! Looked super painful. We boiled hot water for her to stand in which apparently helps. A bit. Tough cookie - she was taking it well!

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