Sunday 26 March 2023

Words in the Woods

It’s been a musical few days! We had a guest poetry performer in my ‘English Outdoors’ day with some young students. As part of the day, everyone had to ‘collect’ some words during a walk through the woods and then they got to record them in a mobile recording studio! All very creative!

And in other musical news, Martin Daws released a new EP today, which I play (a very small amount of), guitar on! See link below:

There is a recording studio near The Cottage and while recording recently, Martin (Poet MD), decided that one of the tracks needed a little guitar in it. Of the (very talented/famous) musicians who had sung/played sax/piano/drums etc on the tracks, none had a guitar, so Martin popped over and asked if I’d bring mine over and stand in! It’s only a tiny part, but I’m now officially part of a released record! 

April showers have been arriving in incredibly heavy bursts (12mm in a hour at one point!), but the colours of Spring are still appearing around The Cottage gardens. In between all the creativity, Clare and I have been (somewhat frantically), getting packed and equipment prepared for our next expedition, which departs early tomorrow morning!! One day, I’m going to remember to fit in a rest day before dashing from one adventure to the next! Ha ha!… I guess for now, I’ll sleep on the plane..

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