Wednesday 29 March 2023

Solt to Kalosca by Bike

Finally, we’re back to proper cycling touring conditions! A mostly traffic free day, much better (dry!) weather and a stop for coffee and cake after only five minutes of leaving the guest house!

We’d stayed the night in a room just outside of Solt, so after making some more porridge for breakfast, rolled into town at 10am. It was blue skies, but only a couple of degrees above freezing. While the day warmed up, we got inside a nice warm cafe and watched the world go by for a bit (until I’d woken up properly!).

Still getting to grips with the cash here. A coffee only cost about £1.20, so it seems a bit excessive to be pulling out big notes to pay for it.

The mornings ride was a delight. Cold on the nose and fingertips but otherwise glorious. We rode side by side along the dyke nattering away.

Above us the sun had a rainbow halo.

Today we passed through loads of small villages, all with an abundance of places to shelter should an unexpected blizzard strike! So different to being out in the open of the plains yesterday.

We saw loads of cool birds nests on telegraph poles. Seemingly home to big storks.

By lunch, I’d got my shorts back on and we stopped to make sandwiches outside a very well kept church. The sun felt like medicine after yesterday’s storms.

More exciting shop purchases today including cheese triangles.

A few kilometres from our destination of Kalocsa, the road ran out. Literally!

A new one was being built though and took up on an impressive entrance route to the town via the cathedral square.

It made for a grand entrance.

Tonight we are in a (the only) hotel in town, which is just down this street.

On arrival, we celebrated a fine day on the tour with a ‘welcome drink’ in the hotel garden before wheeling our bikes inside to stash them in a conference room that wasn’t being used. 

After a short snooze and a shower, we went out for dinner in pretty much the only open restaurant in town. It was a good one though! We are well fed and ready to rest some more… before doing it all again tomorrow! 

Total Ride: 48km

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