Saturday 18 March 2023

Hike and Climb

A nice few days spent on the edge of the mountains, where the weather stayed (mostly) dry. Thursday was spent on a hike along the North Wales Coast path. I was with some students who were doing it in preparation for an un accompanied expedition after Easter. While I was waiting for the group at a check point, I was delighted to be approached by a woman who came over to congratulate me on the Van Bivi Logbook talk I'd given the night before! Fame at last! Ha Ha! Didn't see any other people, but plenty of wild ponies...

Then Friday was spent on the cliffs at Castle Inn... We ran for the cover of the minibus as a few showers passed by, but got quite a bit done in-between as preparation for a climbing expedition to the West coast of Ireland in June.

In between the rain, it was a beauty day!

Rock skills and ropes skills...

Castle Inn Climbs:
- Arete, 4
- Route 1, 5c***

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