Wednesday 15 March 2023

The Van Bivi Logbook Lecture Tour

Tonight was the opening night of my 'one date world book tour' - Speaking live at the Plas y Brenin, The National Mountain Centre. I was invited to give a talk about the Van Bivi Logbook to start the Spring series of weekly evening lectures.

Thankfully, everyone in the audience laughed in all the right places, I only had friendly heckling, and I pretty much managed to remember everything that I'd practiced wanting to say.

The talk was split into a few sections. After introducing myself, I explained how I came about being the author of the book, what a van bivi is, how I came to be the owner of the Escort Van, and then I read a few pages of the book to illustrate some of the kinds of adventures we got up to.

As well as the buzz of doing the talk, it was a good social evening and we finished it with a drink in the Plas y Brenin bar (where my name was alongside much more famous climbers, on the schedule!). A great experience, and I even sold a few books afterwards too!

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