Monday 20 March 2023

Oak Tree Crag

A pretty dark and stormy start to the day at The Cottage. Lots of wild goats roaming the slate heaps and knocking boulders down on to the track, with livened up our morning stroll! 

The mountains were full of drizzle and cloud, so we turned our attention to the coast for some mellow sport climbing at a nice sheltered crag.

Despite overcast skies, spring is in the air (or the hedgerows at least).

I'd been to this little crag once with some students, but it's been bolted with seven routes since. There are three lower-offs at the top and it looks like another one will go in at some point. 

The rock is sound and all the holds are positive crimps (some are very sharp!). When pulling the ropes through at the top, there is a rope eating crack which we got our ropes caught in twice!

Low light, but sheltered from the southerlies, this is the view from the top.

I've no idea what the crag is called or who put in the bolts, but there's a big oak tree at the base, so we named it Oak Tree Crag. Very imaginative I know.... We climbed all 7 routes (about 4 or 5 bolts per pitch).

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