Sunday 31 October 2021

Lathes and London

I've been back in the workshop, to keep up my lathe skills and generally create a bit of a mess! Managed to create a pleasingly smooth rolling pin and was well on the way to turning a very nice bowl out of a lump of Olive Wood, when the we got thwarted by the mechanics of fixing it to the chuck! More to work on later....

Our new niece was born a few days ago, so we took early train into the city to get introduced, while we were 'nearby'.

It was great to see the guys and super to get a cuddle with Cece at only four days old! By chance, some friends of Clare were at a Salsa Dance near to where we were, so in the afternoon, after lunch at an Italian, then a stroll past a few sights, we went dancing! You never quite know what's around the corner in London, but something is always happening. Here's a few of the sights on our walkabout in the wilds...

We arrived at St Pancreas, had dinner, then got on a train back to Kettering. All in a fourteen hour round trip!...

The following morning (having made the most of an extra hour in bed), we were back on the road, heading north through some torrential rain, back up to North Wales and The Cottage that we'd left over two weeks ago!

Things brightened up briefly as we travelled along the north coast, but it was back to damp and windy Wales by the time we got home, where there was nearly 120mm of rain in the gauge! 

Time to get the fire lit....and rest....what a wonderful few weeks away!

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