Wednesday 27 December 2017

‘Mad Wall’ Leonidio

A blissful day of holiday climbing today. No rush, no worries, just swimming and climbing. And another beautiful blue sky start.

There was no rush to get to the crags, so our first port of call after leaving our humble abode (above!) was the beach for a swim.

We had the place to ourselves, so there was no need to rush in to things. After a bit of sunbathing and chat, we got in for a swim. Stayed in longer than on Christmas Day too. 

Early afternoon saw us hiking up towards ‘Mad Wall’ as some threatening clouds passed overhead.

The skies darkened for a while, but it was plenty warm enough for climbing. The crag was pretty much grid bolted and hard for the grade, but it was nice to be moving on the rock. 

Before sunset, we moved up to the next area which was much better. Super sharp rock too. The limestone was positively glowing in the warm evening sun. We’d have loved to stay there longer, but darkness comes quick around here and it was a tricky path to walk down on. You can just make out Clare below the big tufas above.

Once the sun had left the crag, we packed up and hiked out. After a brief stop in town for some supplies, we returned to the pad, tired and happy.

Mad Wall: 
- Happy Time, 5c (6a+?!)
- Kolatouba, 6a+
- Paparouna, 6a
- Garden of Adam, 6a+

Cave of Pangia:
- Prastos, 5c
- Led Zepplin, 5b
- Don Whillans, 6a

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