Wednesday 12 August 2020

Along the Nantes-Brest Canal

Despite a couple of flashes of lightning and a distant rumble of thunder, it was still dry when we got up this morning and we managed to pack the tent away while it was still dry. The rain drops arrived as we were having breakfast, but luckily, our camp was positioned under an enormous ash tree, so while the rest of the site was scrambling to get jackets on and things packed away, we carried on having breakfast, remaining perfectly dry. Eventually, even the leafy boughs were penetrated and it was time to go. 

By which time the rain had pretty much passed! Lucky us! We were on our way along the banks on the canal.

At Roche-St-Andre, we pulled into the village to admire the church spire, which looks like it should have been in a Dracula film. We had a Euro coffee at an outside table at a tiny cafe and it felt good to be taking it easy. 

The next village was really well maintained, with flowers everywhere and a busy lock.

We even came across a couple who were hiking the trail with a donkey!

The town of Josselin was our destination and the riverside chateaux provided a grand entrance.

A very steep old road got us into the old quarter, where, out of breath, we emerged into a old square, with a church and old houses - this one was claiming to be the oldest in town. Either side of the front door is a wooden calving of the original owners. Something to work on at Fort Martin perhaps Dudley?

After some lunch under a tree while another shower passed, we had a good look around the old town. And found a cafe on the edge of the hussle where we could take a break with a view of the old buildings.

A short ride further got us across the river and into the land of luxury - a hotel for the night - where we arrived just as the rains began pouring again! After seven days on the trail, it was great to get properly clean and sort out our gear. Just using a fresh towel felt like a tea treat. It’s kind of good to do without a few creature comforts once in a while - it makes you really appreciate them when you get them back.

Once we were scrubbed up as best we could I set about mending my therm-a-rest, which, true to the tradition of our summer expeditions, has a puncture. Using the bath, I found the culprit pin prick and have hopefully sealed it with some glue. Hopefully that’ll make the camp nights a bit comfier from now on?! 
Decked out in our luxury tour clothes items - a dress for Clare and a shirt with buttons for me, we checked out the hotel terrace bar. After a celebratory ‘Demi-beer’, we returned to the outside restaurant to sample the Plat d’jour. There were only a few other people dining. We enjoyed the roast chicken with cremè brûlée & strawberry gateau for desert. Rain was pouring down around us, but we stayed dry under a huge umbrella delighting in the knowledge that we were not camping. It was the perfect temperature to be eating outside and we washed down the delicious food with some fine wine from Bordeaux, feeling like a couple of millionaires.

Total Ride: 43km 

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