Thursday 18 April 2019

Bratislava by Bike

Semi reluctant to leave the luxury of the hotel, but the still coolness of the morning was perfect for cycling in as we left the town.

It wasn’t long before we were crossing another bridge, but this time we crossed over into a different country - Slovakia.

After locating a delightful outdoor sofa on the edge of the old town square, we enjoyed a rest and watched the world go by, before exploring the narrow cobbled streets. There were no end of ornate old building to see. We followed our noses and stopped at will to admire them. 

We had a lunch of fresh cheese rolls in the sun, by a quieter square.

Then rolled around the old city taking in the sights such as the opera house.

The weather is unseasonally hot, so we stopped for a break outside a shady cafe. 

We left Bratislava via the UFO Bridge, which had a look out tower on one end. We were now back on the banks of the river as we moved out of the city and almost instantly back into rural terrain.

A perfectly flat cycle track led the way. We had a slight headwind at times, but otherwise it was easy riding, passing by plenty of rollerbladers. With 5km to go to Cunovo, we stopped at a trail side cafe, mostly because so many other people had. It was a bit like an apres ski bar on the side of the cycle track. The sun shine, music was playing and bikers were relaxing in deck chairs. We ordered beer and chips and joined in...

Finally, we made it to the Yacht Club and our bunk beds for the night. The owner had a bbq lit, so we said we’d have whatever he was geilling, which turned out to be a delicious platter of potatoes, garlic bread, chicken, sausage and fresh salad. More beers to wash it down and the bill came to about £12!

After eating, we walked out from our floating accommodation and discovered a whitewater slalom course! There was even. River surfing wave that had been created. Full moon and a beautiful sunset finished an amazing day.

Day 2: 47km

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