Friday 21 October 2016

Orienteering at Glynllifon

There are some great autumnal colours on the trees at the moment. It's darker later in the mornings and the air feels little cooler too. Perfect conditions for some orienteering though - you have to move fast to keep warm!

I've been over in Glynllifon Country Park, with some students doing an introduction to navigation and orienteering. It's a brilliant place to teach as the gardens are extensive and there's all sort of amazing plants and trees, as well as a good orienteering course there. The big mansion house was looking a bit sorry for itself, all surrounded in scaffolding and the gardens don't look like they've seen their usual level of love and attention, but to be honest, it gave it more of an exciting 'exploratory' feel. In particular, the bamboo is running wild! Not a normal sight in North Wales!

On a micro level, there is also much to see if you take the time to look - these little fungi are only the size of a fingernail!

Yet, these leaves were well over a metre wide! They were enormous! They had a spikey stem and were sheltering the foot bridge! They must have been imported from Jurassic Park a hundred years ago.. 

I was pleased to see that the Giant Redwoods from California were still going strong...

In amongst marvelling at all the trees and plants, we also managed to get most of the orienteering course completed and learnt a thing or two along the way, so all in all, a successful day!

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