Sunday 2 October 2016

Anglesey Mini-Expedition

Working outdoors with young people has certainly seen me in some fun and crazy places over the years, and this weekend's mini expedition to Anglesey was no exception. We've been camping on the Island for a couple of days and taking part in various exciting marine based activities. The first of which was a fishing boat trip in the Menai Straits on very dull and wet Saturday.

We left Beaumaris at around 9:30 and went straight out to near Puffin Island. We didn't have a great deal of luck with the rods, but we did see a pod of porpoises gracefully glide by. Even though the rain was hammering down, we stayed well wrapped up in waterproofs and the excitement of the activity just about kept us warm.

A little further up the coast, we had better luck, in the form of some mackerel and whiting. We had to chuck loads back in as they were too small, but eventually got enough for good BBQ. One of the lads hooked a big dogfish, but we put that back too.

We were all pretty much soaked to the skin by the time we headed back to land with our catch. It had been a great experience, despite the weather. From the pier, we trudged straight into the nearest cafe and after stripping off our waterproofs outside, all ordered hot drinks to warm up, while dripping all over the floor.

Back at camp, we experimented with various cooking techniques after some slightly gruesome hilarity when it came to cleaning and gutting duties, but got ourselves well fed!

The clear skies that provided the evening activity of star gazing at the beach, remained on the Sunday morning and we woke to glorious blue skies and the warmth of the sun. John, the other member of staff even ground some fresh coffee to start us off on the right foot.

A short walk from camp, saw us at the surf shop, where we all donned wetsuits, picked up surf boards and enjoyed a blissful Sunday morning catching perfectly clean, small waves. Catching a wave still provides such a great feeling for me, so it was good to see the guys faces when they were suddenly accelerated towards the beach! Everyone was buzzing. Blue sky, surf and an empty beach. Fantastic. When we eventually got out, we went to celebrate at the creperie which made a nice finish to the expedition.

Once we'd got back, cleaned up and packed away, I got back home with a hour or so of daylight still to spare, so Clare and I rushed out into the Ogwen Valley to go rock climbing in the last of the light.

We got to the top of Bochllwyd Buttress at dusk and walked back down in the fading light, reaching the van just before headtorches were required. Brilliant end to a brilliant weekend. 

Bochllwyd Buttress:
- Two Pitch Route, Severe (4a)

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