Friday 3 June 2016

City Style - Sights & Socials

We've taken a holiday from the mountains and nipped down to the bright    lights of the big city to spend a few days with the family and be urban tourists!

We left behind the vast open spaces, the peace and quiet of the hills, the open roads, and got stuck straight into the popular local activity of packing into the nearest overcrowded tube station...

Leaving behind the solid blue skies and summer clothes, we arrived to light drizzle and autumnal temperatures!

The company, however, was far more cheery and we had a real hoot hooking up, chatting and celebrating with family, who had (literally) converged from all over the world. Off the train from home and straight into a busy city centre pub is always a good culture shock and always great fun - especially with the team that we met up with! 

The last few days have rolled by really fast and basically involved lots of chat, fine foods, exotic drinks, famous landmarks and an exhausting amount of travel utilising various forms of public transport. In between all the wining and dining (and lunching, breakfasting and general snacking), we had a great time being tourists. One of the highlights has to be the Natural History Museum. 

There was a forty five minute que to get in, so we decided we'd walk on by. However, around the corner, we found a side door where we managed to stroll straight in! There are (obviously) lots of interesting exhibits, including loads of rare stuff like this Dodo:

We also encountered the Lesser-Brockley Big-Footed Pigmy. A rare breed indeed...

Between family visits, we checked out plenty of cool shops such as Fortnam & Mason and Liberty's, and watched a bit of skateboarding on the southbank...

Had a snooze in Whitehall Gardens...

And went coffee tasting at the Nespresso store...

And hung out with some real dudes...

Then, as our energy (and bank account)
levels started to wain, hopped aboard the train from Euston and were delivered back home, where the sun was still shining as it always* does in North Wales...


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