Thursday 23 June 2016

Across the English Lake District

After just over a full day at home, the nomadic mountain lifestyle of Ian has had me on the move again...

And this week, I've been mostly travelling across the beautiful Lake District.... 

And what a stunning week it has been! A few days before I arrived, the forecast was looking dire, but thanks to a big,  blocking high pressure, the weather has remained fantastic. I'm supervising a team of students who are doing their Gold D of E expedition. We started on Monday on the west coast at Ravenglass and are heading east across the National Park. There's been a lot less trekking for me than last week, as I have to drive the minibus and meet the guys at various points along the way. In between camps I've managed to make the most of my 'down time', by visiting friends in the area. One of the nice things about the outdoor community is that I have ended up with good friends in good places! After a great night at Fort Ledgard, on Tuesday, I met up with Kirsty, another supervisor I am working with, and we managed to get a quick climb in near our respective checkpoints in Eskdale! Bonus!

The lads camped one night, high up on the famous 'Hardnott Pass'. I decided to play it safe and left he bus at the bottom and set out on foot to check them into camp! Good job too - it's steep!

Kirsty and I were both keen for another climb, but our paths looked unlikely to cross the next day. The only option was an early morning ascent of the super grippy (but not well protected) Hare Crag in Eskdale before the groups were up. I was a bit bleary eyed, but it's a brill little crag and the views are okay too... Well worth an early alarm!

After the climb, I met the team by the river. As they were a bit late, I was able to have a 'freshen up/wash' by jumping into the deep pools! It was very refreshing to say the least, but warmer than the Welsh rivers.

I've seen a few sights and enjoyed a few walks and even found time for a bit of reading down by Tarn Howes one evening. Who'd have thought it used to be a day event to walk around it when we were younger!

One morning I woke in my tent on the shore of Coniston Water, so with sleep in my eyes, stumbled down to the waters edge for a delightful swim before breakfast. I actually managed to stay in for quite a while. It was such a tranquil morning, I felt I should really make the most of it!

This has to be one of the best breakfasting spots I've had in a while!

The evenings have produced some really beautifully still reflections... 

I'm just heading off to my last camp of the trip, but not before a drink in my favourite Lakeland cafè... (Well, you've got to have some luxuries when camping!)...

Hare Crag, Eskdale:
- The Diagonal Slab, Severe (4a)
- The Arete, Diff
- Slab Route, V.Diff

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