Saturday 24 January 2015

Queen Charlotte Sound

Happy Birthday Pappa Martin! 
Given our poor nights sleep, we were quite glad to be having to get an early start today. The morning was quiet (at last!) and fresh. We boarded our water taxi at 7.30am and sped off across the sound.

It took over an hour to get round to 'Ship Cove' where Captain Cook (and later Anna) first set foot in Queen Charlotte Sound. The boat ride had taken us past loads of inlets, bays and beaches as well as some splendid looking holiday homes! All of them were inaccessible by land and surrounded by dense native jungle and forest. There was no sign of Anna's landing, but we did find a large plaque to commemorate Captain Cook.

The trail began from the memorial, and wound its way up over the hills and through the jungle. I say jungle - it looks very much like a 'normal' dense forest from afar, but on closer inspection, it is largely made up of palm trees, ferns and creepers, with the odd pine tree thrown in here and there. Off the track, the land would have been completely inaccessible without a machete! At least that kept the navigation easy - just follow the path! Between the trees we got glimpses of the Sound and the inviting waters below.

After passing the first high point, we took a short detour to 'Schoolhouse Bay' where we discovered a sheltered little inlet. Already hot from the hike I took a quick dip to cool off. Bliss. 
The hike then meandered between bays and cols, and traversed its way around various hillsides. Thankfully, the jungle provided good shade as there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The trail covers about 15km (and nearly 800m of ascent) and apart from the odd bay, provided only a few resting places - so we were particularly glad to find a shady seat for a peanut butter sandwich at lunch. 
Just before reaching our pick up point at the wedding venue of Ferneaux Lodge (complete with restaurant and heli-pad), we found another small track leading down to the sea. We followed it down to another hidden bay where we swam again in the crystal clear warm(ish) waters. As we waded in, little fishes came over and nibbles our toes!

Arriving at our pick up point in Resolution Bay, we had time for a drink and some nibbles at the lodge before the boat arrived at 16.15 to take us home.

The ride home was much choppier due to the wind that had picked up in the afternoon and water regularly crashed over the boat from the bow wave. We'd had the good fortune to have been seated inside though!

After such a good day, back on dry land in Picton, we had a little spell of bad luck. Firstly, we found that we'd been accidentally given a parking ticket (pinned on the windscreen next to our pay and display stub?!). Then the 'tranquil' camp spot that we drive off to was both a long way along a very windy road and so busy that we only just fitted in. We were both pretty tired by this point and were very greatful to be able to pull back the curtains and shut out the world!

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