Thursday 14 July 2022

On foot around Münster

A day off the bikes to enjoy some rest, recuperation and the sights of the city. After a long sleep that didn’t involve being woken by birdsong or the heat of the sun, I nipped downstairs to the bakery to source some pastry’s for breakfast. It was almost 11am by the time we hit the streets. Although it’s a very bike friendly town, it was good to be on foot as we could move much slower especially as I’d stop and look on almost every corner. Our accommodation meant that it was only a pleasant fifteen minute walk to the main market square and impressive St Paul’s Dom (Cathedral).

There is a big market every Wednesday, which coincided nicely with our arrival! So much lovely looking food and beautiful flowers. 

Inside was as impressive as the outside and much cooler!

Our next stop on the city stroll was to the bakery, where we tried some very tasty cheesey bread things. Before admiring the statin glass windows of St. Lamberti.

We sat in the shade by the fountain for a while just watching the world go by and looking at the buildings. 

Further wandering saw us at the nearby Town Hall, with its serious frontage!

Just as we were beginning to tire, we found a ‘bratwurst mit Brot’ seller so gave it a go. Very nice indeed!

Late afternoon saw us back at the city pad for a snooze and some planning of further travels. We had thought that we might continue south by train to reach the Rhine River, but it looks like peddle power should get us there in time. In an ‘alpine rest day’ style, further consumption of fine foods and drinks made for a great end to a restful day.

Total Ride: 0km
Total Walked: about 4km

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