Thursday 7 July 2022

Coffee in The Hauge

Made it aboard the delayed ferry in the last of the light after a long wait in the queue! Luckily, we had a warm jacket and an audiobook to keep us entertained. 

By the time we were on, we went straight to the cabin and were asleep in minutes. All too soon, we were back down at the bikes feeling a little dazed as we got ready to depart.

As we queued to show our passports, a squall of rain soaked us. Not the start to a trip we were looking for, but we soon dried out as we went north along the coast. 

With the coast being buffeted by strong winds, and rain on and off, we changed our plans and followed signs to the centre of The Hauge, where we found refuge in the form of a coffee shop by a church.

We didn’t take many photos as we dodged people, bikes and the weather! The buildings were fantastic. Some very futuristic and others quite old. All of it very interesting. Somewhere to come back to perhaps?!

Once we left the city centre behind, things chilled out a bit and more traditional canals and cute houses became the norm.

The cycle roads are amazing. And so many of them! Cars had to give way to us if we crossed a roundabout or road. The terrain was flat, but we seemed alway to have a headwind, whichever way we turned!

We’ve made it some 56km to a small town called “Alphen aan den Rijn”. At the campsite, we were able to take shelter in a barn to get some food on. We felt pretty shattered from our efforts and were pleased to hear that another cycle tourer, who just arrived, said today was the hardest riding conditions he had experienced in the last three months of travel! Better weather is promised tomorrow at least! 

Hook of Holland to Alphen aar den Rijn = 56km

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