Sunday 10 July 2022

Arnhem - On Tour on ‘The 4’

Woke up to find an overcast day that turned into a heavy drizzle during breakfast. Set off for Arnhem to find some shelter…

Which was soon located along with a fresh brew.

Things soon dried up and we rolled around the town and church. It’s a lovely place, so we decided to stick around for a bit and soak up the scene.

There was also a 2D street art competition going on!

The ride (once we eventually got going!), took us into the long distance cycle route called the ‘Number 4’ (and seems to be part of the EuroVelo 2 Route). Easier navigation now there are signposts for our route. It surprised us by going uphill for a change - into and across the National Park Veluwezoom, which is a huge forested area and heathland. Very pretty. 

After a lot of up and down on some hard going surface, we reaped the rewards with a long fast downhill section, where we overtook some electric scooters that must have been speed limited. Ha ha.

The next surprise came when we found no bridge over the river - just a ferry! Luckily, Mum and Dad had given us some Euro coins before we left, so they saved us a long, long de-tour to find another way across! Thanks!

Soon after Brummen, we decided we needed to stop, so took a long straight road in the hope of finding a campsite.

It’s sort of a caravan place, but the friendly farmers insisted we have a cup of tea while they decided that we could camp sort of in the garden by a play park!

Fine by us as the facilities are like a 5star hotel! Very plush for camping!!

Tonight’s camp dinner was wild sockeye salmon, edamame beans and noodles and soup. Delicious! While drinking mint tea, we had a walk to see the Alpacas who also live here. There is also Applestrudel on the ‘self service’ desert menu in a little thatched hut by the tent!

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