Tuesday 12 July 2022


Part one of our expedition got completed today as we made it from the coast, right across Holland and into Germany - all by peddle power! 

All was quiet on the road as we sped out from our night at the Alpacca farm under and overcast sky. 

Their terrain was varied, using cycle paths, gravel tracks and even some winding single tracks. The temperature was nice and cool for riding.

We had planned to stop just before the German Border, as there are much more campsite in Holland, but we soon found ourselves approaching it around lunch time. Instead of stopping, we committed to a longer day and pressed on after stopping for a lunch and an hours sleep by a bench in the corner of a corn field! 

There didn’t seem to be a convenient campsite to aim for, so set off after lunch with a B&B booked online. Before long, we passed the deserted border control building and had officially crossed the entire Netherlands by bike.

At the town of Vreden, we stopped for another rest at the ‘Rathaus’ (town hall), which was in a very well kept town square.

We were feeling very accomplished, but also very tired, so ordered ‘Kaffe & Kuchen’. The Apple Pie was magnificent and the coffee was just what we needed to pick us up. Especially as it was served with a mini ice cream on the side.

Around 17:30, we arrived at the farmhouse B&B, having picked up a pizza to cook in the little apartment kitchen.

The house was super old, but had a good shower (with a real towel!) and a kitchen where we prepared a huge meal of pizza, potatoes with herbs and avocado and tuna salad (eaten with a knife and fork!). We washed it all down with about four litres of Apple Tea. Fed, hydrated and clean, we were soon asleep feeling very happy…

Total Ride: 78km!

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