The bikes stayed locked up at the apartment today as we spent a rest and recuperation day around Gothenburg. The cumulative effect of the ride so far made it easy to kick back relax and enjoy the views as the day slipped by. We took a tram into the centre of the city to see some sights and started things off by drinking coffee on an outdoor bed-like sofa. The coffee was great, the view good and the sofa super comfy. We kicked back and reviewed progress so far.
Flicking through some of the photos of the tour so far, it feels like we’ve been away for ages. So much has happened and almost all of it good! Sure, there have been a few trials along the way, like having a bee fly down your shirt while riding and getting stung several times while trying to shake it out without crashing. Or bending the brake lever when the bike fell over. Or finding a ‘camping forbidden’ sign late in the day when all we wanted to do was stop riding. But overwhelmingly, things have gone even better than we could have hoped on the tour so far. Not least to mention the heatwave and amazing weather. The swims, sunsets, secluded camps, swooping birds, and general feeling of excitement about what’s around the next corner have all been brilliant.
After another big late lunch feed in the city centre, we walked a short distance by the river before taking the tram back home. We’ve a big travel day ahead of us tomorrow before ‘Phase II’ of the tour starts up in the Åland Islands of Finland. Excitement levels are ridiculously high...

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