Monday 8 November 2021

Carnedd y Filiast

Matt stayed at The Cottage last night, so the day started with a sociable breakfast of Banana Pancakes, before we set out on different paths into the day. Clare and I took a quick blast up nearby Carnedd y Filiast as the weather was set to deteriorate. It's been a while since I was striding out over a Welsh mountains and felt good to get the lungs working.  

We got to the summit while there were still some good views out to sea and wet a couple of hikers, who were as surprised as we were to see them, given the incoming forecast!

After a drink and a rest in the summit shelter, we got up to go, just as the wind arrived. We were buffeted down through the rocks and frequently lost our balance. Once onto the open slopes, we lent into the wind and rain and almost ran downhill into the shelter of the valley.

We dried out over a hot lunch at The Cottage and got prepared for a presentation that I had to give in the evening. The sunset was incredible. I watched it from my desk, looking out of the skylight as the mountainside and clouds set on fire.

We then summoned enough energy to head out after dark to meet Matt for a climb at Indy Wall on Anglesey - again for the first time in over a year. Fingers and arms could do with some extra muscle, but still felt quite flexible!

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