When someone makes you personalised pancakes for breakfast, you know you're on for the start of a great day.
Especially when it’s accompanied by one of Heather’s hand crafted morning coffees (rumoured to be the best in Montana) and served up with loads of maple syrup and scrambled eggs.
It was no surprise to me that I ate so many pancakes that I needed to take a rest in the rocking chairs on the veranda afterwards! So delicious!
Once everyone was ready, we packed up and went into Helena to go on the Carousel.
Soon enough, we were all loaded up onto various animals and taking a few spins. I got a friendly looking otter next to a Stegosaurus.
Naturally, ice creams were needed afterwards, (Huckleberry Yogurt - pronounced ‘Yo-gart’ flavour) followed by a walk through a small park with in-situ musical instruments. We had a picnic lunch in the shade of a big tree in the park and made sure we got an updated photo from our original trip to the USA to stay with Heather in Seattle back in 2009.
The smoke was so thick that you could barely see across the runway when we arrived at the Airport later that day. It’s only a regional airport, so was tiny computing Seattle. It was the only plane leaving that afternoon and Heather knew some of the staff. Quickest airport security checks ever!
We said our fond farewells and after a lot of hugs, waved to the girls all the way through the door. The smoke delayed the plane a bit and up in the air there were no views at all. But there was free beer and wine! In fact, back in Seattle the smoke seemed even thicker. The flight was with Alaska Airlines and the staff were really funny. When we landed the attendant told everyone to keep their seatbelts on (as they always do) and then added ‘people try it everyday, but I promise it won’t make the doors open any faster’. Then when explaining how the door is smaller than normal planes, said ‘if you don’t watch you head, at least watch you language as you exit the plane’. Tickled me.
Clare’s booking skills had somehow (and unbeknown to us) got us into a good Hotel room. We had got a free transfer bus to the airport and were in the lift on the way to our room. The lift stopped at the third floor and a gentleman offered us to get out first. We explained that our room was on the 5th floor. He raised an eye brow and said, ‘wow, very nice’ and got out. It seemed like a slightly strange response - until we got out at the 5th floor, which turned out to be the ‘Executive Suites’! Ha ha! That’ll do us nicely, we though...

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